Tuesday, October 7, 2008

To Do Lists

Do you have a "To Do" list?

I have been experimenting with that idea and I discovered that I'm much more effective with my time when I DO have a "To Do" list in front of me. There is something very satisfying crossing off finished tasks on the "To Do" list... it screams... I accomplished something today!!!

I normally make up my "To Do" list either the night before or first thing in the morning. On Mondays I often make up a "To Do" list for the rest of the week. It helps me remember appointments, meetings, etc. Yesterday I got off on a bad start as something happened the previous night that messed up my emotions and my routine. I simply forgot to write up my "To Do" list for the day.

I always do the boxing and shipping of the eBay items that sold and were paid for first thing every morning. That seemed to have taken me twice as long as it should have. After I finished that, I was like... what do I do now? I seemed lost with no directions... I didn't have a goal in front of me at that moment and felt like I was wandering aimlessly.

Oh... I have PLENTY to do.. its not that... it was just that I had set no goals for myself that day and thus didn't feel any pressure to accomplish anything beyond the shipping that I already took care of. That was a waste of time as I could have accomplished a bunch of little things during those "lost moments". I try not to waste time. I'm not one of those "take a nap in the afternoon" or "sit and watch TV" type of people. I need to keep busy. Its been ages since I've seen a FULL movie and actually sat still long enough to watch it. I was probably sick when I last did that.

Today I'm back on track again. I did write up my "To Do" list last night and one by one, they are being crossed off. Even "writing in my blog" is on my list today! So... what's next on my list? Lets see... list 5 to 8 things on eBay.

Ok... back to work!

Scratching off "write in my blog"! I accomplished something today! YEAH