Where does time go? It certainly doesn't stand still. What was I doing 13 years ago? Well... at that time I had 2 young boys (age 2 and 5) and a brand new baby daughter 6 days old. Kayla was born during the early morning hours of October 10.
I had gone to bed and my water broke soon after. I watched my husband wake up the boys and walk/carry them to my friend/neighbor's house at 1am in the morning. I don't remember being in a lot of pain. It was about a 20 minute drive to Mt Clemens hospital. I do remember bad back labor which I had with all my babies. Things moved pretty quick and it soon progressed to the point when it was too late to receive or request any pain relief meds so I had Kayla completely natural without any drugs. I hope I don't come across as a bad mom but I can't remember the exact time she was born but it was around 6am. She weighed 8 lbs something (another bad mom moment when I know all three of my kids weighed in the 8 lb range when they were born but I have no idea of the ozs between them - such details really are not that important!). My husband and I were elated to have a girl after having two boys. We did not know what the sex of the baby would be before she was born. We wanted to be surprised. I wasn't completely surprised as i had a strong suspicion it would be a girl. I also knew at that point our family was complete.
Here we are 13 years later.
My daughter is no longer a little girl. She is all grown up and now a preteen with all the trimmings intacted. She can be a joy of good humor and silliness one moment and a drama queen with up and down emotions the next. Her bedroom is a mess and that drives me up the wall but its all part of growing up and finding out who she is. She is expressing a desire to be a writer so she has been writing a story. I want to get her set up in a blog to encourage her to keep writing. I'll let you know when she is ready to go!
One thing that I'm really proud of is that she has made an effort and expresses an interest in learning sign language. She is capable of having a smooth conversation in ASL with any deaf person. She still doesn't sign everything and mouths a lot of words as she knows I can lip read but she is MUCH better at finger spelling than I am and has a good memory. She understands a lot more than she uses. She is involved with the Deaf Cafe, Flint ministry with me and her dad and I know she enjoys being a part of that group.
A friend asked her what she plans to do with the next 13 years of her life! I'll have to ask her to write about that!
Happy birthday Kayla. Sorry I'm a few days late. Love you lots! mom