I have a very good update on Angella. I went to see her today and she is now moved to the rehabilitation area. No more ICU... Yah!!!! and she can have flowers and balloons and magazines and etc... etc.... and real food. LOL!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Update 2 on Sad Situation - The result of drunk driving
I have a very good update on Angella. I went to see her today and she is now moved to the rehabilitation area. No more ICU... Yah!!!! and she can have flowers and balloons and magazines and etc... etc.... and real food. LOL!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Fire on My Street
Cops started to arrive and soon after, the firetrucks. The hydrant is on the other end of the street so the firetruck backed up to hook up to the hydrant and let the hose out. The hose went down the middle of the street the entire block. That's a long hose! Of course, the street was blocked off as well. Neighbors started coming out of their houses and I also walked down the street a few houses to see what was going on and see if there was anything I could do to help.
Unfortunately, I do not know most of the neighbors down at that end of the street so I didn't know if that house was occupied or if it was empty. I found out later that the house was vacant. The house is a total loss and you can see the backyard from the front door (which is now gone). This was on local TV news. You can watch the video here.
Arson goes UP during Halloween week
The city is saying this fire was the beginning of the annual fires that happen every year just before Halloween. I don't know if that is a national problem but its a very serious local problem. Many many empty houses go up in flames during the week of Halloween due to arson.
With the high rate of foreclosures, etc, there are a lot of empty houses in this area. Many of the communities will be walking around their streets tonight and through the weekend in an attempt to keep the fires to a minimum. God bless them for their service and their time and keep us all safe.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Update on Avon Breast Cancer Walk
Here is her account of the day.
I just wanted to thank you all again for sponsoring me for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer this past weekend. It was a great experience and I was able to walk the entire 39.3 miles. Saturday started out rainy so I wore my old leather sneekers to keep my feet dry. That turned out to be good for dry feet but bad for blisters. By the time the rain stopped and streets dried enough for me to think it was safe to switch to my normal walking sneekers (about 10 miles into the walk), I had developed a large blister on my right foot. I had it bandaged and was fairly comfortable for the remainder of the walk but it will take a while to heal. I also developed a blister under my toe nail on my left foot. I didn't feel that until I finished the 1st day's walk. Again, I was able to walk on Sunday with appropriate padding on my toe to keep it cushioned. Evidently, I will end up loosing the nail and it is still pretty sensitive when I wear shoes. Oh well! That will all heal in time and is a small price to pay for the experience. When I think of all the money that was raised for such a great cause, I can't help but be humbled. There were 1350 walkers and over 2000 involved counting all they support crew. Over a million dollars were raised! Thanks again for the part that you paid in this success!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Story of a Deaf Frog
Once upon a time there was a bunch of tiny frogs.... ![]() who arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. ![]() A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants.... The race began.... Honestly: No one in the crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. You heard statements such as: "Oh, WAY too difficult!!" "They will NEVER make it to the top." or: "Not a chance that they will succeed. The tower is too high!" ![]() The tiny frogs began collapsing. One by one.... Except for those, who in a fresh tempo, were climbing higher and higher.. The crowd continued to yell, "It is too difficult!!! No one will make it!" |
But ONE continued higher and higher and higher....
This one wouldn't give up!

At the end everyone else had given up climbing the tower. except for the one tiny frog who, after a big effort, was the only one who reached the top!
![]() |
It turned out....

That the winner was DEAF!!!!
The wisdom of this story is: Never listen to other people's tendencies to be negative or pessimistic....because they take your most wonderful dreams and wishes away from you -- the ones you have in your heart!
Always think of the power words have. Because everything you hear and read will affect your actions!
There's life and death in the power of the tongue - Proverbs 18:21.
Therefore: ALWAYS be POSITIVE!
And above all:
Be DEAF when people tell YOU that you cannot fulfill your dreams!

Always think: God and I can do this!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Political Wizard of Oz

no matter what your political views may be or who you plan to vote for, I hope you get a chuckle out of this photo!
Many thanks to those who remember to click on the Google ads on the right side of this page!
I'm up to $27.00. Many thanks!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Avon Walk for Breast Cancer

I want to write a special plug for my youngest sister, Marji. She made the decision to walk the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer this weekend in Charlotte, SC.
You can read about Marji and why she is walking and her journal about her training. She will walk an incredible 26.2 miles on Saturday and 13.1 miles on Sunday. I wonder if she will have any energy to go to work on Monday!
She was required to raise $1,800 to participate in this walk. She reached 100% of her goal plus more! However, donations are always appreciated and needed to further the research for a cure for breast cancer. Either of the link above have information on how to make a donation.
Thanks Marji for giving of your time and your energy for all the ladies and their families out there who are dealing with breast cancer. YOU ROCK GIRL!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Top 10 Predictions No Matter who wins the Election
I’m not going to talk politics on my blog as everyone has their own opinion about the candidates and the issues. However, I have been giving it a lot of prayer… not only for who will get my vote but for the future of America and the world. One thing that is comforting to me is that God will remain in control – no matter who will win the election. I also have the peace of knowing should the world be destroyed tomorrow, I know where I’m going to heaven but I grieve for those who have not yet made the decision to follow the Lord. Those are the people who will suffer and be in deep regret. Don’t put it off… make a decision to accept Christ as your savior today. If you are not sure how… please do email me and I will walk you through the steps. Give yourself that peace of mind and it will change your outlook on the future. There is no need to be afraid when the Lord is in control.
Yesterday a friend sent me the following list and I thought it was perfect to include here.
Top 10 Predictions No Matter Who Wins the Election
1. 1.The Bible will still have all the answers.
2. 2. Prayer will still work.
3. 3. The Holy Spirit will still move.
4. 4. God will still inhabit the praises of His people.
5. 5. There will still be God-anointed preaching.
6. 6. There will still be singing of praise to God.
7. 7. God will still pour out blessings upon His people.
8.8. There will still be room at the Cross.
9. 9. Jesus will still love you.
110. Jesus will still save the lost.
Isn’t it great to know who is still in control? AMEN!
My cup runneth over and I’m drinking from the saucer!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sermons in ASL
It has an interesting format with the PP (powerpoint) on one side and the video on the other side so you see the same thing as if you were there in person.
I have not yet sat through an entire sermon but I find him very easy to understand. This is also good practice for the ASL students out there! I don't know if there is voicing but if there is, TURN IT OFF and use this for practice - both in understanding ASL better and in understanding spiritual matters better.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Max Lucado Prayer for America

You Have Our Attention, Lord
A prayer by Max Lucado - October 2008
Our friends lost their house
The co-worker lost her job
The couple next door lost their retirement
It seems that everyone is losing their footing.
That scares us. This bailout with billions
These rumblings of depressions
These headlines' ominous thunderous -
"Going Broke!" "Going Down!" "Going Under!" "What's Next?"
What is next?
We're listening. And we're admitting: You were right.
You told us this would happen.
You shot straight about loving stuff and worshipping money.
Greed will break your heart, You warned.
Money will love you and leave you.
Don't put your hope in riches that are so uncertain.
You were right. Money is a fickle lover and we just got dumped.
We were wrong to spend what we didn't have.
Wrong to neglect prayer and ignore the poor
Wrong to think we ever earned a dime. We didn't. You gave it.
And now, tell us Father, are You taking it?
We're listening...and we're praying.
Could you make something good out of this mess?
Of course You can. You always have.
You led slaves out of slavery,
Built temples out of ruins.
Turned stormy waves into a glassy pond and water into sweet wine.
This disorder awaits your order. So do we.
Through Christ,
God will always give what is right to His people who cry to Him night and day, and He will not be slow to answer them. (Luke 18:7 NCV)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Medical Advice in ASL
I was just made aware of this site yesterday and I checked it out. WAY COOL!
Its a medical site with the goal of bridging medicine and the deaf world. There are videos explaining a very long list of different medical conditions in ASL. They are also written in English as well for the ASL impaired.
There is also a section where you can see if there is a Deaf-friendly Dr in your area.
This is a copy/paste of their home page.
Welcome to DeafMD, an innovative website providing accurate, concise, and valuable health information in American Sign Language to the Deaf & Hard of Hearing population. Using health information created by two trustworthy and unbiased government sources—the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health, our team of healthcare providers, linguists, and educators translates this complex information into ASL.
Our goal is to develop an easy to use site without overwhelming advertisements. DeafMD contains 4 distinct, informative sections: Diseases & Illnesses, Understanding Tests, News, & Find a Deaf Friendly Doctor. While each section is different, each one is specifically designed to promote a better understanding and knowledge of health. Navigate to the Disease & Illness section, the Understanding Tests section, or the News section, and a video will begin to play discussing how to use each section.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Super Duper Cleaning

Sigh... I'm tired
Today from about 8am to about 1:30pm I did a super duper cleaning of my house. This is a BIG occasion around here because I only do that type of cleaning when a certain something happens... and that certain something is... COMPANY is coming!
Cleaning house is something I do not like to do. Its so time consuming and I would do it only to have to do it again the next day. Its an endless circle!
Don't get the wrong idea... my house would NEVER qualify for the TV shows where people are total slobs and have years worth of grud laying around their house and so much clutter they have a path through their house or rooms are completely unusable.
No no no... my house is nothing like that. In fact my house is not bad. I do keep the living room, dining room and kitchen under control for the most part. Now and then my dining room table disappears if I just got new inventory for eBay or after the Deaf Cafe program or after a period of just being busy. Its a catchall place for whatever but eventually, those items find their proper place.
My bedroom is so-so. We lack closet space in there so both my husband and I tend to just lay our clothes out neatly on either side of the room and just wear that same clothes again the next day (assuming its not dirty). I am bad about that and have a tenancy to wear the same things over and over again and ignore the clothes in my drawers and closet.
No... its the SUPER DUPER cleaning I don't like.. it's the "get on my hands and knees and scrub the kitchen and bathroom floors"... the "dig out the grud that gathers along the baseboards that the sweeper doesn't pick up"... the "scrubing of the rust spots in the bathtub", "dusting all the knicknacks", etc etc. Ugh...
I have a weird habit of starting my cleaning at one end of the room and gradually working my way towards the other side of the room. I also reward myself with little breaks to check email or have a small piece of chocolate (pre-halloween candy!). I take my time and do a very thorough job because I don't do this very often.... only when company is coming.
I would never work so hard for my own sake. I have better things to do with my time but company.. well... I don't want my company to think I'm a total slob... however.. I did warn them I was not responsible for what my preteen daughter's and my

so... I'm worn out from all that physical labor... but hey.... my house looks nice and smells nice too... that might last until tomorrow...and my company was impressed!
By the way... thanks for clicking on the google ads on the right of this page! Its working! Last i checked, its over $20.00. I have the goal of getting to $100 before Christmas so help me out please by clicking on any of the ads when you leave this page. I'll do the same for your blog too if you leave a comment and leave your link!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
My daughter is 13!

Where does time go? It certainly doesn't stand still. What was I doing 13 years ago? Well... at that time I had 2 young boys (age 2 and 5) and a brand new baby daughter 6 days old. Kayla was born during the early morning hours of October 10.
I had gone to bed and my water broke soon after. I watched my husband wake up the boys and walk/carry them to my friend/neighbor's house at 1am in the morning. I don't remember being in a lot of pain. It was about a 20 minute drive to Mt Clemens hospital. I do remember bad back labor which I had with all my babies. Things moved pretty quick and it soon progressed to the point when it was too late to receive or request any pain relief meds so I had Kayla completely natural without any drugs. I hope I don't come across as a bad mom but I can't remember the exact time she was born but it was around 6am. She weighed 8 lbs something (another bad mom moment when I know all three of my kids weighed in the 8 lb range when they were born but I have no idea of the ozs between them - such details really are not that important!). My husband and I were elated to have a girl after having two boys. We did not know what the sex of the baby would be before she was born. We wanted to be surprised. I wasn't completely surprised as i had a strong suspicion it would be a girl. I also knew at that point our family was complete.
Here we are 13 years later.
My daughter is no longer a little girl. She is all grown up and now a preteen with all the trimmings intacted. She can be a joy of good humor and silliness one moment and a drama queen with up and down emotions the next. Her bedroom is a mess and that drives me up the wall but its all part of growing up and finding out who she is. She is expressing a desire to be a writer so she has been writing a story. I want to get her set up in a blog to encourage her to keep writing. I'll let you know when she is ready to go!
One thing that I'm really proud of is that she has made an effort and expresses an interest in learning sign language. She is capable of having a smooth conversation in ASL with any deaf person. She still doesn't sign everything and mouths a lot of words as she knows I can lip read but she is MUCH better at finger spelling than I am and has a good memory. She understands a lot more than she uses. She is involved with the Deaf Cafe, Flint ministry with me and her dad and I know she enjoys being a part of that group.
A friend asked her what she plans to do with the next 13 years of her life! I'll have to ask her to write about that!
Happy birthday Kayla. Sorry I'm a few days late. Love you lots! mom
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
What is your passion?
- W. Clement Stone
Do you have a passion for whatever it is you are doing with your life? This could be a hobby, your family or a ministry as well as your job.
I know I have this passion for two areas in my life... my everyday job which is eBay and one of my ministries which is Deaf Cafe, Flint.
In both areas, I have a desire to always learn more how to improve and to do better. That's what keeps the fires of enthusiasm burning inside us....what keeps us looking forward to the next day or next program.
Remembering a miserable job
I know years ago I had a job that I really didn't like. I worked evenings and all day I would not look forward to the fact that at 10:30pm I had to go to work at a place I would be miserable at for the next 8 hours. I had a really bad attitude about it and that certainly didn't help. I was constantly sick in my stomach. My husband, seeing how much I really hated that job, told me to "let go". I called in that night and quit. The paycheck I got from that job was not worth me being so miserable, sick and unhappy.
My Passions now
Knowing I still needed a way to help the family financially, I started being more serious about my eBay business and that's been my passion since. I now look forward to waking up in the mornings and going to "work". I love sitting in my pjs or sweats all day long and not looking at a clock.
In the same way, being involved with Deaf Cafe fulfills a passion of serving the Lord and sharing His gospel. This is a wonderful group of creative friends and we all share this passion.
We just had our October Deaf Cafe this past Saturday and it came together so smoothly. I'm always critical of my own work (as tech person) so of course there was a technical glitch that shouldn't have happened.. but did... nothing to do but keep going.
A Passion for Christ
Our theme was 'Reunions and Masks"... how many people wears "masks" when they go to reunions.... while they might be suffering, etc inside, everyone always says they are doing great and being fake at reunions. With Jesus, you don't need to wear a mask.. you can be yourself... Jesus sees your heart and knows everything about you.
We had part one with a high school reunion on earth and part two had a reunion many years later in heaven. We showed some of the classmates "attended" the heavenly reunion while others never made the decision for Christ and were not able to attend. It was a very profound program. I pray for all the seeds that were planted and may we see everyone who is reading this at the reunion in Heaven!
These two passions are just two of many I have. They keep my happy and busy. They give me something to look forward to. To make goals for. To improve myself constantly. To learn and to grow. If you are not happy today... discover what your passion is... what is it that really interests you and gets your fires burning inside and GO DO IT!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Only $9.36 in Adsense Income
I need your help - if you don't mind. Yesterday a thought occured to me that I have been blogging for a year now! YEAH! I wasn't sure I would be able to keep this up with all the other busyness happening around me but for the most part, I have been able to stay active.
One of the reasons I started blogging in the first place was to make a side income. I learned you can earn a little bit of petty cash while you write. COOL! Why not get paid for writing?
So, yesterday I checked my Adsense acct and it was a very pitiful $9.36. oh geez.. that means very very very very few people are clicking on the google ads in this blog. In comparison, I have a good friend who started blogging soon after I did so she also has been blogging for a year. Whenever I check out her blog (sometimes several times a day), I ALWAYS exit her page by clicking on one of the Google ads. I knew she was getting paid for every click and she needs that income for gas money! She told me she had $63.00 in her Adsense acct. Oh my goodness! I'm so happy for her! Am I responsible for building that up? I'm sure I had a big part in it as I'm very faithful at clicking on her ads. I wish people were as faithful clicking on my ads too.
So people.... maybe you were not aware of it so I'm teaching you now... bloggers like "tips". You can tip us by clicking on any one or more of the Google ads you see on their pages. Every click is worth a few cents and cents add up and it doesn't cost you ANYTHING. Once you get to the ad page, just close it and go to wherever you want to next.
Many thanks for stopping by. See you tomorrow and don't forget to click on an ad when you leave this page! (Big Smile)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
To Do Lists
I have been experimenting with that idea and I discovered that I'm much more effective with my time when I DO have a "To Do" list in front of me. There is something very satisfying crossing off finished tasks on the "To Do" list... it screams... I accomplished something today!!!
I normally make up my "To Do" list either the night before or first thing in the morning. On Mondays I often make up a "To Do" list for the rest of the week. It helps me remember appointments, meetings, etc. Yesterday I got off on a bad start as something happened the previous night that messed up my emotions and my routine. I simply forgot to write up my "To Do" list for the day.
I always do the boxing and shipping of the eBay items that sold and were paid for first thing every morning. That seemed to have taken me twice as long as it should have. After I finished that, I was like... what do I do now? I seemed lost with no directions... I didn't have a goal in front of me at that moment and felt like I was wandering aimlessly.
Oh... I have PLENTY to do.. its not that... it was just that I had set no goals for myself that day and thus didn't feel any pressure to accomplish anything beyond the shipping that I already took care of. That was a waste of time as I could have accomplished a bunch of little things during those "lost moments". I try not to waste time. I'm not one of those "take a nap in the afternoon" or "sit and watch TV" type of people. I need to keep busy. Its been ages since I've seen a FULL movie and actually sat still long enough to watch it. I was probably sick when I last did that.
Today I'm back on track again. I did write up my "To Do" list last night and one by one, they are being crossed off. Even "writing in my blog" is on my list today! So... what's next on my list? Lets see... list 5 to 8 things on eBay.
Ok... back to work!
Scratching off "write in my blog"! I accomplished something today! YEAH
Friday, October 3, 2008
10 Biggest Business Lies that stop people
This one came in today's mail. Great information for anyone interested in getting into business for themselves. Don't let these lies stop you from being all you can be! They didn't stop these famous people mentioned below who ignored their critics and became incredibly successful in their field. You can too! Go for it!
UNSTOPPABLE Shatters the 10 Biggest Lies that Stop People from Getting What they Want
They say that "everybody's a critic," and that never seems truer than when you're pursuing a dream. There will always be well-meaning people who want to "protect" you from your "unrealistic fantasies."
Critics tried to discourage the people profiled in Unstoppable. Everyone ignored the negative input and achieved their goals. Follow their lead and you, too, will be UNSTOPPABLE!
1. The timing is all wrong. Prior to accepting Paramount's offer to host a late-night talk show, Arsenio Hall was told by everyone: "It's too hard to crack into the late-night ratings. Television isn't ready for a black talk show host. This is America, and you can forget it."
2. Why don't you get a real job? Not understanding his desire to become Mr. Universe, Arnold Schwarzenegger's family pleaded with him, saying: "How long will you go on training all day in a gymnasium and living in a dream world?"
3. It'll never work, you'll lose everything. Weeks before she opened her first store, cosmetic tycoon Mary Kay Ash's attorney said: "Liquidate the business right now and recoup whatever cash you can. If you don't, you'll end up penniless."
4. Don't rock the boat. In response to Muriel SiebertÃs application to be the first woman to buy a seat on the New York Stock Exchange, officials responded: "The language on the floor is too rough and there's no ladies' room." She bought a seat anyway and remained the only woman there for nine years.
5. It's never been done before. Upon applying for a job after graduation from Columbia University, announcers for NBC Radio responded to Sally Jessy Raphael: "You have the perfect voice for broadcasting, but you should get a job as a secretary. We're not using women."
6. You don't have enough talent. Responding to his desire to become a recording artist, Ray Charles' teachers said: "You can't play the piano, and God knows you can't sing. You'd better learn how to weave chairs so you can support yourself."
7. Don't even try, you'll just be disappointed. When auditioning for a part in a high school musical, a teacher rejected Diana Ross saying: "You have a nice voice, but it's nothing special."
8. You don't fit the mold OR you're not the right "type." Trying to convince her she didn't have the right look, fashion photographer Richard Avedon told Cher: "You will never make the cover of Vogue because you don't have blond hair or blue eyes." When she did make the cover, Vogue sold more copies than it had ever sold before.
9. Don't give up your day job. Commenting on the first manuscript of an unpublished author, a New York Publisher told James Michener: "You're a good editor with a promising future in the business. Why would you want to throw it all away to try to be a writer? I read your book. Frankly, it's not really that good." Michener's first book, Tales of the South Pacific, later won a Pulitzer Prize and was adapted for stage and screen as South Pacific.
10. There's no market for it. When hearing his plans to launch Perrier in the United States, several consulting firms advised Gustave Leven: "You're foolish to try to sell sparkling water in the land of Coca-Cola drinkers."
The only opinion about your dream that really counts is yours. The negative comments of others merely reflect their limitations --- not yours. There is nothing unrealistic about a dream that aligns with your purpose, ignites your passion, and inspires you to plan and persevere until you attain it. On the contrary, it's unrealistic to expect a person with such drive and commitment not to succeed.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Happy Birthday to my Husband

In the beginning...
Did I ever tell you have we met? How we met is definitely a "God Thing". There is no other way to describe it. Back in 1975, I was in 10th grade and attending Conestoga Valley High School in Lancaster, PA. John was in 11th grade and attended St. Lawrence Seminary in Wisconsin. For an assignment in his German class, he had to write a letter to a penpal. It so happened (a God Thing) that both our classes used the same penpal service company. He received my name.
The letters begin...
The first letter I got from him was half in English and half in German. I didn't know a word of German. My parents knew a little bit of PA Dutch which is dialect of German and were able to read a word or two here and there. Being curious, I did respond.
And that is how it started... long before the internet and AIM... we wrote long hand written letters to each other several times a week. It was 2 years before we even met face to face.
We were engaged when I was in my second year of college and he moved to PA. We got married a month after I graduated from college and have been married 26 years now.
I love you honey and its been a joy being in your life all these years. I am truely blessed!Happy Birthday!
P.S. I STILL have all those letters we wrote back and forth. One of these days we will have to dig through that box again!
Update on "Sad Situation"
Please continue to keep this girl in your prayers and also the driver that hit her. Their lives have changed and will never be the same...all because this boy decided to break the law by participating in underaged drinking and then getting into a vehicle and driving drunk.