I'm still a newbie and I'm learning as I go. Gradually you will see different posts here for different products. I get to choose the blog ads I want to talk about. I hope you will enjoy reading about them and you will click on their ads too. There is a widget along the side that will take you directly to the PayPerPost site if this is something you think you might be interested in doing. Hey, I'll get a small reward myself if you sign up and are approved! Win win for both of us!
Get paid CASH for every product you talk about! One of the nice things about this site is that PPP pays cash and we all can use some extra cash! If you like to write, why not take advantage of this idea and get paid for writing and get paid for your time! Write about things you use everyday.That's the whole idea! What do I plan to do with this extra income? Buy a new (most like used!) car! We have two vans that are more or less junkers and are limited in how far we can drive. I guess that is a good thing at the moment considering the gas costs! Thanks for stopping by and learning about PPP...PayPerPost!