"When You're Down to Nothing, God is up to Something"
"Worry looks around, sorry looks back, Faith looks up."
A week of Trails and Blessings
Last week and weekend was a series of ups and downs. A friend of mine sent me the above quote and it was a reminder I need to look UP! I can count many problems that popped up (one is that our van died so we need another vehicle soon) but on the other hand, I can count many unexpectly blessings that came our way.
I sang (signed) a song yesterday in church. Its a repetative song that has a beat. It goes like this...
I, I, I love the Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord...
I, I, I love the Lord, Lord, Lord, Lord...
He's my Savior!
Praise! Praise! Praise! Praise!
(clap clap clap clap)
and repeat.
You can change the third line to whatever you want. I had
He is awesome
He forgave me
He is worthy
He's my best friend
Its a nice praise song I like to sign when I'm feeling down. Its a reminder to me to push aside all the worldly problems and concerns and turn my eyes to the Lord instead. This song makes me feel better and more positive.
Praise Praise Praise Praise!!!!