Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A request for Prayers

April 7... a bittersweet day

On my heart today are several things but one of the top ones are about a little newborn baby girl. She was born on April 7. She was born full term with no delivery problems and was a big girl at 9lbs. She is beautiful and has red hair just like her father! I am a good friend of the baby's grandmother.

But.. unknown to the parents and family, Madison had a wounded heart. She was diagnosed early (less than 24 hrs old) with an Interrupted Aortic Arch and a heart murmur (hole in her heart). She was rushed immediately by helicopter to Mott Children's Hospital in Ann Arbor, MI.

This past Monday on her one week birthday, she had open heart surgery to fix the situation. Problems developed the next day and they had to reopen her heart to make an additional fix.

We Wait. We Pray NonStop

As I write this, things are stable and its a wait and see atmosphere. We wait and we pray for Madison's healing. The doctors are giving encouraging reports which we all need to hear.

The father has been keeping a daily dairy about the situation so it feels like we are right there as we read the updates. Please keep this situation in your prayers for the Lord's healing. In today's update, the father ended wth the following words I wanted to share with you...

Ladies and Gentlemen,

"This is your Captain speaking. Although we may encounter some turbulence, we will be cruising at a comfortable altitude and speed, not too fast nor too high. I have provided a cabin crew for support during this trip, please feel free to ask them any questions and remember to be open to making new connections. The in-flight movie will be very inspiring and thought provoking, although, sometimes dramatic. Experience and character will be given out indiscriminately, but with purpose. Have Faith, for only I know the flight path and direction we will travel. At the end of this trip, everyone will have jet-lag, but not care, because the purpose of the journey will be understood."

Love, God