Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Need Sermon Videos? Countdowns?

One of my favorite sites

Today I'm going to brag about a site called This site is one of my favorites and I'm going to add the link to my favorites columns today.

Creative Video Illustrations

I have been a regular to this site for I guess 5 years now. I belong to a ministry called Deaf Cafe. My role is the tech person and I'm responsible for finding short videos for fillers between the music, drama and games during the program. Sermon Video has EXACTLY what we need for our 2 hour program. This site provides really cool short sermon illustration videos. I can easily find one that will match our theme.

Perfect for a Deaf audience

Not all of their videos serve our purpose because some of them use voice over... those are worthless to Deaf people but we LOVE that ones that are ALL captioned.. not really captioned but are visual and have the words on the screen. Those are perfect for our purpose as we can read what the video is saying... and what they are saying is very profound and to the point! They have wonderful creative ways to share the gospel.


Another product that they provide that I use during our Deaf Cafe programs every month is countdowns. We use the countdowns during break time of the program so people know how much time they have to find their seats and get ready for the rest of the program. Its very effective. Sometimes we use a short 1 or 2 minute countdown during a game. They are so visual and exciting. People just sit there and watch the time count down.. it goes by fast that way!

More Cool Stuff

Many pastors use these to start their sermons. They also have motion backgrounds which are used during songs. I have not used motion backgrounds much as they distract from the person signing in ASL but its a lovely backdrop to a vocal song.

All these products are so easy to use. You pick what you want... pay for it via credit card and have instant download access. Perfect if you need something at the last minute and a perfect solution for whatever your need is! A great way to spice up your talk for Jesus!

You will be blessed watching the videos at SermonSpice site... head over there now... Did I mention that they also have FREE videos you can download?