Wednesday, July 30, 2008
A thought to Ponder
When God takes something from your grasp, He is not punishing you but merely opening your hands to receive something better.
Those thoughts were posted on a board I visit often. A visitor who lost her husband 2 years ago shared that she had a hard time accepting that God took away her husband with the intention of giving her something better. She didn't want something better. She wanted her husband.
Another visitor commented "I am not here to suggest someone better is coming in your life. I am here, sharing from my experience, that something amazing can and has come from something awful. I am here to suggest that some THING better is coming to your life. You already have it within you and it is HUGE. I am here to suggest that you look inside to see it:
That is really profound.
Another visitor comments... "Do you know the story about the tapestry in the sky? It is hard for us to see the beauty that God has made of each of our own lives because we see the back side of the tapestry, with all of the threads hanging uncut and all of the knots and tangles. But, on the side that God sees, it is a beautiful picture of a full and fulfilled life. I may not understand what God is doing at any given time in my life - especially when I am living through a hardship or trial, but that in time, I can see with clearer eyes and with a broader view."
Yet another writer shared this quote which says a lot....
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain.
Monday, July 28, 2008
The End Times... are they near?
My husband asked our friend about her relationship with Jesus. She brushed around the question and didn't give a straight answer so we do not know her relationship with the Lord but we surely hope she is saved. If she is, then she and everyone else who is saved, have absolutely no reason to be anxious about the future. We already KNOW what is going to happen! If you truly believe and accepted Christ as your Savior, you will go to Heaven when you die or when the rapture happens if you are still alive during that time. That's how I want to go... all together with my friends and family... lets all join hands and meet Jesus in the air together!
A book called, "23 Minutes in Hell"
Recently, I read a book called "23 minutes in hell". oh my goodness.. you DO NOT want to go to hell. Please please please don't think for a moment this is a place where you party all day and do what you want. No.. this is the opposite. You will be totally ALONE in the dark pit of fire in hell and in constant pain and suffering...not just for a short time but FOREVER. You won't even be given a drop of water. This book talks about the author's experience of 23 minutes in hell. God granted him that experience so he could come back and share with us about it. It just filled me with terror reading about it. I'm not going near that place and I do not want anyone else to either. This is total separation from God forever. Its your worse nightmare many times over. There is NOTHING good about this place. DO NOT GO THERE!
A B C's of salvation - fire insurance from hell
And how can you not go there? All you have to do is believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins. You need to ask for forgiveness and admit you are a sinner. You need to believe that Jesus is God's son. ABC...Admit you are a sinner.. Believe Jesus is the son of God and Confess your sins and ask him to come into your heart. That's all there is to it! DO IT TODAY and you have no reason to be anxious about the future or the "end times".
If the rapture happens today or tomorrow or next year, I am READY! I hope you are too!
Friday, July 25, 2008
I am Somebody. For I am God's child
Robert H. Schuller
Anyways... yesterday I decided to list a "lot" (thats an eBay term for more than one) of books I have written by Robert Schuller. He is the pastor of the Crystal Cathedral in California. I was leafing through a book he wrote called, "Self Esteem: The New Reformation". I mostly look for any torn pages or markings, etc. Now and then something jumps out and I'll read here and there.
This poem or maybe its a song, jumped out at me. Since there are no resources listed, I am assuming this was written by Robert Schuller himself so I will give him the credit.
I am be young; I may be old,
But I am somebody,
For I am God's child.
I may be educated: I may be unlettered,
But I am somebody,
For I am God's child.
I may be black; I may be white,
But I am somebody,
For I am God's child.
I may be rich; I may be poor,
But I am somebody,
For I am God's child.
I may be fat; I may be thin,
But I am somebody,
For I am God's child.
I may be married; I may be divorced,
But I am somebody,
For I am God's child.
I may be successful; I may be a failure,
But I am somebody,
For I am God's child.
I may be a sinner; I may be a saint,
But I am somebody,
For Jesus in my Savior.
For I am God's child!!!
How comforting. If you believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior, you ARE SOMEBODY. You ARE His CHILD. That's a powerful thought. At all times... think positive thoughts!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
A Video called The Bridge
A friend of mine who did not know of the above situation sent me the video that I am including in this blog. It talks about the awful choice a father had to make - to save his son or save a train full of strangers.
In the end, we see how God himself gave up His son to save the WHOLE WORLD if only they would believe in Him and accept his free gift of salvation.
While we will grieve for my pastor friend we buried yesterday, we pray that many good things will come from that situation. In everything we must continue to give God the praise and the glory - especially when we don't understand.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Honoring Pastor McLaughlin
A good friend of mine, Vonnie Taylor, wrote her feelings for Pastor McLaughlin down and I was given permission to share her thoughts...
My Pastor
My pastor was just an ordinary man trying to do an extraordinary job.
He was not a man of large physical size, but his spiritual walk with the Lord made him 10 feet tall.
My pastor was not a perfect man and he often pointed out his own faults instead of pointing out the faults of others. When he was wrong, he would humbly apologize without making excuses for his actions. He would even apologize when he had done no wrong if it meant to healing would take place between him and another.
My pastor was very concerned about the feelings of his flock. He always seemed to be more concerned that he would somehow fail his people and therefore fail his Father in Heaven.
My pastor held the title of Doctor and it was a hard earned degree but I heard him say that the title of “Pastor” was more precious to him.
I never doubted that he loved his flock and therefore loved me as one of his “sheep. I saw him make sacrifices of his time, money and even his health to care for those God had given him to lead. I had seen him take the time to sit on the floor in a darkened hallway with a weeping man to offer comfort, help and show the man the love of God through his actions. Pastor did not speak the same language this man spoke, but he spoke the language Jesus had shown him – love for his brother.
My pastor was a man I respected and loved as a friend. I did not agree with him all the time and he respected our differences of opinion without giving up his own opinions. Some would say he was stubborn but I say it was strength that the world doesn’t often see.
My pastor was a man of integrity and honesty. He was a man who stood alone all too often while carrying the burdens of those he to whom he ministered. He was a man that carried the weight of our hurts, complaints, and troubles all on his shoulders even as his body began to suffer for the stress. He made time for his flock but not for himself.
My pastor was a private man. He kept his hurts and sorrows mostly to himself and only shared with those he could trust.
My pastor was intelligent but never showed it off by making others feel less intelligent. He did like a “smart” comment every once in a while and loved to “zing” those he could tease with. I am honored that he liked to pick on me for fun.
I will grieve the loss of my pastor and friend. I can honor him best by loving and caring for those he left behind and that is both his Earthly family and his spiritual family. I can honor him best by serving the Lord with all my heart just as he encouraged me to do each and every time he stepped into the pulpit.
The pulpit of our church will seem hollow for a long time no matter whom is standing there preaching the Word of God. For a man of small stature, he left a large empty place in our world and I will not forget him or what he has taught me.
If anyone should think that the description of my pastor is inaccurate, I beg to differ. None of us can know the inner heart of even ourselves but I saw his actions and the consistency he lived.
I cannot and will not judge him on his final actions. I have not experienced what he had experienced so I have no idea of where the same experiences may have led me.
Who was he? My pastor. My friend. My fellow servant. Perhaps he was an extraordinary man in an ordinary world.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
PowerSeller on eBay!!!

Yesterday was a big day for me! I was notified that I have successfully reached PowerSeller status on eBay! This is a big deal as it means I'm now a business and not doing this as a hobby.
What is a PowerSeller? There are several levels of PowerSellers and I'm at the Bronze level. That means I sold at least $1000 a month for the past three months. If I sell $3000 worth, I move up to the silver level. Each level has its own benefits. It gives me a discount on my eBay fees too. Every penny helps! It also means I'm serious about this business and I work hard to give my customers the best in products and a positive experience from start to end. I want my customers to have a 5 star experience with BienleinDesign. Check out my eBay listings! I still am focusing on Bible related books but I also have military items listed and other assorted odds and ends. Will be doing clothing very soon for back to school kids.
Monday, July 14, 2008
My Husband's Big Day.. Deaf Church at Cornerstone
We started with regular Deaf Sunday School and then Deaf Worship. The afternoon was filled with different games, food and fellowship. We were outside the whole day as it was such a lovely day. was windy! The pavilion we were in was like a wind tunnel.
We ended the afternoon with Deaf Worship again. We had special music that was really touching. Kirstan sang in ASL the song, "I wish we've all been ready". Its about the rapture and the days afterwards. How one person got raptured as they were saved but the person next to them was left behind as they never said "YES" to Jesus. Let's ALL be ready! It is not God's purpose that ANYONE be left behind or sent to hell for not believing and accepting Jesus as their Savior.
Meet the Pastor
People came and went all day and it was great greeting new people. Its a new role for me as the Pastor's wife. My husband John is the pastor-to-be of this new church. He is in the process of being licensed and ordained. He does have a degree in Theology from Bethany Divinity College and currently working on his masters. After that, he will be known as Pastor John.
He really has the God given ability to teach and preach clearly about God's words in both English and ASL. His signing ability has leaped over the past year or so. He is a better signer than I am. He is a very humble man with a love for the Deaf and their need for salvation. His lessons are fascinating as he includes a lot of background information and deep study. I am very proud of him and its a joy and blessing to be used by the Lord for this purpose.
If you live in the Flint/Swartz Creek MI area and are Deaf or hearing with an interest in Deaf, we welcome you to join us every Sunday or Wednesday for Bible Study.
Please be with us in prayer for the future of the Deaf Church at Cornerstone!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Fun Way to Explain Baseball - An Interpreter's Nightmare!
Baseball Explained
This is a game played by two teams, one out, the other in. The one that's in, sends players out one at a time, to see if they can get in before they get out. If they get out before they get in, they come in, but it doesn't count. If they get in before they get out it does count.

When the ones out get three outs from the ones in before they get in without being out, the team that's out comes in and the team in goes out to get those going in out before they get in without being out. When both teams have been in and out nine times the game is over.

uh huh...
The team with the most in without being out before coming in wins unless the ones in are equal. In which case, the last ones in go out to get the ones in out before they get in without being out. The game will end when each team has the same number of ins out but one team has more in without being out before coming in.
Now do you see?

Cool Glasses from Zenni Optical
$8.00 for Glasses?
Can you believe their stylish perscription glasses sell for only $8.00! You can get one in every color at that price! They were featured on Fox TV...Check this out! Zenni on Fox
You will find huge selection of frames, with single vision lens, sunsensor (potochromic) lens, tinted sunglasses lens, bifocal lens and progressive lens.
How do they sell for such low prices?
The Secret to Zenni’s Low Prices is that they sell only their own manufactured frames direct to the customer, with no middlemen and virtually no advertising budget.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Why do Hearing People Hang up on Deaf People?
A desire to "pick my own"
Every year around this time I get an itch to "pick your own" strawberries and sour cherries and make batches of freezer jam for the family. I rarely do any cooking now-a-days but this is the one thing I have kept up over the years as we all love the homemade jam.
A experience with 711 Relay and Spicer Orchards
We always go to an Orchard in Hartland called Spicers. I checked their website and it says to call for picking information so that is exactly what I did. Since I'm deaf, I use Relay service. Let me briefly explain Relay. I call, in this case, 711 Relay on the computer... I give them the number I want them to call and any instructions if necessary. A hearing person from 711 Relay then calls the number I gave them. When that person answers, they explain they are calling from 711 Relay for a deaf person and all they have to do is say GA which means "Go Ahead" when they are finished with their sentence so Relay knows they are done and its the Deaf person's turn to talk. This is not difficult at all and it really adds little extra time to the conversation but.... some people just will not take the time to go through this process... as I experienced yesterday.
Hung up phone calls... how rude!
Back to my story... a person at Spicers answers the phone and said they didn't know "how to do relay" and passed the phone to another person. That person said she was on the register and didn't have time for this... and hung up. Now.. nothing is more rude to a Deaf person than a hearing person hanging up on them. I wasn't given a chance to explain or say a word. They decided I simply was not worth their attention or time.
Oh... I was not happy so I immediately called back and either the first or second girl answered and said, "Honey, we can't help you" and hung up again.
Now I was really upset but took time to calm down and called back for the 3rd time. This time I instructed the Relay operator NOT to mention Relay and ask immediately for the manager.. and that is what she did. I explained to the manager what happened. She was all apologetic and said several times she would "address the situation" with her employees. She answered my question (are the strawberries still available to pick?) and that conversation took all of 3 minutes. I did consider forgetting about this place and find another orchard to spend my money but we were familiar with this place and they really just needed to be educated.
Picking strawberries
Later that afternoon, my husband, daughter and I did drive to this orchard and we did pick 2 full containers of strawberries. I thought about it but didn't mention that I was the girl they hung up this morning as I had no idea who I had spoken to and they were busy. They were all very nice to me in person and they saw me signing with my husband so maybe they put two and two together.
I made two batches of strawberry jam last night and need to buy about 3 more boxes of pectin before I can finish the second container we filled. We will return next week to pick sour cherries!
DON"T hang up on a Relay call...
give a Deaf person same respect as you want!
I just want to end that if you work in a service business that deals with phone calls from the public, now and then you might experience a call from a Relay company speaking for a Deaf person. I just ask that you give them the same consideration and respect that you would give a hearing person who called. That's all we ask.
Maybe I'll test Spicers again next week and ask them if sour cherries are still available to pick....
Thursday, July 3, 2008
L.A. Police Gear
L.A. Police Gear, Inc. was founded by Los Angeles area Police Officers. Their business has grown and changed greatly over the years and now serves the general public, military personnel, security professionals, and of course police officers (or anyone else who would like to buy from them).
L.A. Police Gear, Inc., proudly brands themselves on extremely fast shipping, low prices, and outstanding service. They are factory-authorized dealers for most of the brands you see on their web site. They take great joy in helping people get the 5.11 Tactical they want and need. 5.11 Tactical Series creates superior products that enhance the safety, accuracy, speed and performance of law enforcement, military and firefighting professionals. Built on a foundation of durability, quality and value, 5.11 Tactical gear leads the industry by delivering functionally innovative gear, head to toe. LA Police Gear is proud to be 5.11 Tactical's #1 stocking dealer in the world!
Their web site name might make people think that they only sell to cops, but that is not the case at all. They enjoy selling to everyone!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Need Sermon Videos? Countdowns?
Today I'm going to brag about a site called This site is one of my favorites and I'm going to add the link to my favorites columns today.
Creative Video Illustrations
I have been a regular to this site for I guess 5 years now. I belong to a ministry called Deaf Cafe. My role is the tech person and I'm responsible for finding short videos for fillers between the music, drama and games during the program. Sermon Video has EXACTLY what we need for our 2 hour program. This site provides really cool short sermon illustration videos. I can easily find one that will match our theme.
Perfect for a Deaf audience
Not all of their videos serve our purpose because some of them use voice over... those are worthless to Deaf people but we LOVE that ones that are ALL captioned.. not really captioned but are visual and have the words on the screen. Those are perfect for our purpose as we can read what the video is saying... and what they are saying is very profound and to the point! They have wonderful creative ways to share the gospel.
Another product that they provide that I use during our Deaf Cafe programs every month is countdowns. We use the countdowns during break time of the program so people know how much time they have to find their seats and get ready for the rest of the program. Its very effective. Sometimes we use a short 1 or 2 minute countdown during a game. They are so visual and exciting. People just sit there and watch the time count down.. it goes by fast that way!
More Cool Stuff
Many pastors use these to start their sermons. They also have motion backgrounds which are used during songs. I have not used motion backgrounds much as they distract from the person signing in ASL but its a lovely backdrop to a vocal song.
All these products are so easy to use. You pick what you want... pay for it via credit card and have instant download access. Perfect if you need something at the last minute and a perfect solution for whatever your need is! A great way to spice up your talk for Jesus!
You will be blessed watching the videos at SermonSpice site... head over there now... Did I mention that they also have FREE videos you can download?