We are all business people of all ages and from around the world who come together in a virtual classroom and learn from each other stuff related to the internet. Most of it relates to how to improve our eBay businesses but any business that has a website online can benefit from this group.
What I personally like about it best is the fact that its all inclusive and Deaf friendly! I am Deaf but I'm still welcomed and can participate. Yes, all the classes are done via talking over the phone or via the computer speakers but most (if not all) also come with a PP (powerpoint) slide presentation and the leaders take the time to transcribe their notes for me (and anyone else who requests written transcripts).
I am very blessed to be a part of this group. I invite you to come join us and I invite you to do it soon as I have seen that the fee is going to go UP January 1. This is a one time life time fee and a real deal! Don't delay. If you have a business, it is required that you continue to learn from others. Don't waste time figuring it out yourself when you can have mentors who are able and willing to answer your questions 24/7. Make wise use of your time! See you on the VOL boards!