It is always so exciting to be part of God's work! It is always a joy to get a call to be involved and obey. It is amazing to see God do "his thing" and know it is God in action. Last month I was blessed to be there for a very important day. Master's Hands Deaf Church became its own church on September 12, 2010. This is a mission church of Cornerstone Baptist Church. I am blessed and honored to be the pastor's wife and to support my husband, Pastor John, 100% as he obeys his call from the Lord. Our local news channel was there. The local newspaper was there. So much attention and all for a wonderful reason... to spread the gospel. That is our goal. Its not about numbers. Its about our relationship with Jesus Christ. Its our goal to teach and show both Deaf and hearing how to improve and make stronger their everyday relationship with Christ. Jesus wants you so much to be a part of his kingdom. He wants you to be a child of a King. You can have that today. How? Simply admit and agree that you are a sinner (all of us are). Believe that Jesus died for your sins on the cross. Why? Because he wants to save you. What does that mean? Save me from what? He loves you so much and wants to have eternal life with you! Confess your sins to him and make it a goal to live your life as Jesus would. Make Jesus smile!
Where will you go after you die? There are only two possibilities. You can go to heaven or you can go to hell. Its your choice. Don't make the wrong choice. Don't delay either as you never know when you will take your last breath. Accept and believe in Jesus today! If you are local, we welcome you to join us at Master's Hands Deaf Church in Swartz Creek, Michigan. If you are out of the area, we ask that you pray for our ministry to be true to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to reach out to the lost (both Deaf and hearing). Thank you. God bless you richly.