It's almost Christmas. I didn't realize I haven't blogged in over two weeks. Where did the time go?
This has been a pretty laid back Christmas for me. No real stress. We are taking it easy. I didn't do any baking (but will today). I didn't send out any cards but will send out an email to family and friends tomorrow. I bought my gifts gradually over the past months so it wasn't all at once. I didn't overdecorate my house. I didn't even put up a large tree. I have three mini trees with lights that stay up all year long. My daughter did add some ornaments and we hung up the stockings. My new thing this year is a new nativity set I'm displaying for the first time.
My business on eBay has been steady. I am not nearly as busy as I was a year ago but I'm selling higher priced items. I know some of this is from the economy being weak right now. The Lord has blessed and all is fine. We have what we need and I cannot ask for anything more. I already have the best gift which I would like ALL of you to also accept. I have Jesus in my heart and that is the best gift in the whole world. Best of all... it's FREE! What can you give Jesus for Christmas? Your whole heart.
This is my Christmas thought for you....
This Christmas don't worship only a baby in a manger. Worship Jesus, our Savior and our God, who was willing to become a person, live a life without sin, and die on the cross to give us eternal life if we believe and accept His gift of salvation.
Jesus was here BEFORE he came to earth as a baby. Read Genesis 1:1, 26 and Colossians 1:16. Jesus created the world and everything in it. "Let Us create..." ("Us" includes Jesus before creation and before Jesus became a person.) Jesus is GOD, CREATOR.
"Joy comes not to him who seeks it for himself, but to him who seeks it for other people."
-H.W. Sylvester
May the joy you bring to others return to you in great measure this Christmas season.
Merry Christmas to each of you!