As regular readers know, eBay is my business. Been doing this for 8 years. So, what kind of things am I listing now? I have a high of 338 items up for sale (as of the time I'm typing this). As soon as I finish this blog, I'll be listing more.
I just listed a bunch of vintage cowboy shirts. I have assorted clothing listed for men, women and infant babies. I have Disney toys, military videos, pottery from Germany and assorted other items.
I'm taking a break from listing the Bible study related books. I'm concentrating on cleaning up my eBay storage room that is in my basement. The books can wait until after the holidays.
I'm in the process of trying to get rid of things in this house. Found a person on Craigs list who was looking for free magazines. Hey... I have two boxes for you! She is coming later today to pick them up. That's two boxes out of this house. Happy smile.
I have a bag of clothing for my friend's daughter so that's another bag out of my house and into her house (LOL). She'll get those tomorrow.
I feel an urgency of getting things out of here and not bringing anything new in. On Tuesday, I took two bags of clothing to a local church that has a clothes closet for the community. They give the clothes away free. I can probably come up with another bag very easily. I have at least two boxes that should be taken to Goodwill soon too. I keep debating on whether to do that or save for a future yard sale. I cleaned a closet out yesterday and found several things that I can pass on to other people.
In the meantime, I list on eBay everyday as every time something sells, that's one less thing in this house! If you haven't checked out my store, BienleinDesign Finds, recently, I hope you will soon. Maybe I'll have just what you've been looking for. If you mention that you read about my store in my blog, I'll give you a discount!
See you there!