Thursday, March 18, 2010

Out of Touch

Isn't it interesting how we get into routines and then just as quickly, we get out of them again? I know I was blogging pretty faithfully last year but I can't even remember what happened... but something did and I got distracted and simply just forgot to blog. I have to relearn how to do this again. I even struggled to remember my password to get in here!

Blame it on old brain cells or lack of interest and motivation? Probably both. I know this is my first blog post this year so far. I know my blogs were in the "dead" zone because I was getting constant spam messages in the comments. I have since changed my settings. I apologize for the inconvenience for having to figure out what all those bunched up letters and numbers are to leave a comment but they do cut down on spam.

So... what is new with me since last fall? I'm thinking...

My life is pretty stable...always has been. I pretty much stay the same year after year without making major changes but more like baby steps. I am still working on eBay and I'm still a "Power Seller" although they have now changed that term to "Top Rated Seller". Just got my certificate in the mail this week which is hanging on my eBay hall of fame door. Hey... I got several new consignment clients the past few months too! They keep my inventory fresh and varied.

Business is also stable... not getting rich but enough to pay the bills and have a little left over for "stuff" - mostly to pay for stuff related to our kids. We have one kid graduating from high school this May so that means we will be having an "Open House" for him this summer. I guess that will be my summer project and motivate me to do things to improve the inside and outside of the house.

I'm still involved with Deaf Cafe which went through some rough ups and downs the past 6 months or so. What a ride that was but God provides for our needs, as always and we give Him an applause of praise and thanksgiving.

My husband is still working for Delta/NW so I still do a little bit of traveling.. not as much as I wish but we go as we are able. I was in Wash DC/VA area a week ago and it was good to force me to get out of town. Sometimes traveling is a pain in the neck with the packing and in my situation, being stuck in airports if there are no standby seats available. I learn to be flexible and patient!

Hope you all have a lovely day and I hope to get back to more frequent blogging!